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DOD Awards $18.39 Million Contract to Foamtec International, LLC to Increase Domestic Production Capacity of Foam-Tipped Swabs

By October 17, 2022October 17th, 2024No Comments

On December 6, 2021, the Department of Defense (DOD), on behalf of and in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), awarded a $18.39 million contract to Foamtec International, LLC (Foamtec) to increase onshore domestic manufacturing of foam-tipped swabs used for critical COVID-19 efforts.

Foamtec’s foam-tipped swabs are used to collect nasal and nasopharyngeal specimens for COVID-19 diagnostics. This industrial base expansion effort will allow Foamtec to increase their production onshore domestic capacity of 40 million foam-tipped swabs per month in Woodway, Texas by June 2022. This effort is to support domestic COVID-19 testing by increasing access to high quality foam-tipped swabs for screening and testing.

The DOD’s Defense Assisted Acquisition (DA2) Cell led this effort in coordination with the Department of the Air Force’s Acquisition COVID-19 Task Force (DAF ACT). This effort was funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to enable and support domestic industrial base expansion for critical medical resources.

We are pleased to announce that the expiry dates for our swabs have been extended. To view the updated expiration dates and detailed information, please click the link below to download the new documentation.

Important Update:

Swab Expiry Date Extension